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Image by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger

"Breaking down the walls that keep our youth from reaching their goals and fulfilling their purpose."


EHAP is a non-profit dedicated to the empowerment of low-income youth and young adults in unfortunate homes, to spending their time in productive environments to find and pursue their purpose. Its mission is “Breaking down the walls that keep our youth from reaching their goals and fulfilling their purpose.” Besides giving the kids a way to belong and be valued, EHAP wants to support the community with soccer leagues, game nights, toy drives, and many other year round service projects and events. The founder of EHAP, Emmanuel Perez, believes, “You don’t necessarily have to hand a kid the entire world to make a positive impact in his or her life, simply offering a hand is all they need to see there’s a good world out there that is worth exploring!”

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